Does V-Tight Gel and Vaginal Tightening Cream Work?

v-tight gel

Women are often held to an unrealistic standard of perfection. Society, with its rather misogynistic perspective, has long encouraged women to maintain their bodies in shape and to forego intimate pleasures for fears of being ‘loose’ or unfaithful.

It seems so many women today think that their vaginas are too loose. We may even think that if a partner has been with other women they’d be disappointed with the way our womanhood is. This negatively affects ladies’ self-confidence and manifests into insecurities.

V-tight gels and other vaginal tightening creams have been marketed as miracle cures that can tighten the lady parts. In this article, I’ll provide some insight into why vaginas can stretch, as well as answer the question: does V-Tight Gel and vaginal tightening cream work?

Why Do Vaginas Weaken Or Stretch?

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A vaginal muscle is merely another one of a woman’s many muscles. They constrict and expand, changing in response to our physical and mental states. They’re intended to be pliable so they can give birth.

However, our fears and ignorance of female anatomy simply add to the burden on ourselves and others around us.

There are certain factors that may cause vaginas to weaken or temporarily stretch out. Vaginal birth, especially at a later age, might result in weaker muscles and long-term pelvic floor issues. The pelvic floor might stretch and weaken after vaginal birth. Childbirth can also cause several tears in the pelvic region due to the force.

Age is another factor that can affect vaginal muscles. The muscles of the vagina are similar to those of any other muscle in the body. They change as a person gets older, but they can also be influenced by menopause and other factors. As a result of these normal changes, weak vaginal muscles can lead to issues such as vaginal prolapse for many women.

What is Vaginal Tightening?

Before diving into V-gels & creams, let’s take our time to understand the concept of vaginal tightening.

Basically, vaginal tightening is the process of fixing problems related to looseness in the vagina. It refers to a variety of treatments aimed at improving the elasticity of pelvic muscles and enhancing tightness around the area restoring the vagina to a tighter, more youthful form.

These treatments are designed to enhance not just sexual joys, but also vaginal structures that may be causing discomfort while menstruating, using a tampon or a menstrual cup, or even passing bowels.

What are V-Tight Gels?

V-Tight gels can be found on any e-commerce website or over the counter at your nearest drug store too. They are even marketed as the best way to get rid of looseness in a vagina, claiming they can tighten your vagina and even restore its elasticity.

There have been several procedures and practices to tighten the vagina for as long as women have existed, but V-Tightening gels have gained popularity like never before.

How to use V-Tight Gels?

V-tight gels are as simple to use as any other cream. Apply the lotion to the tip of your finger, insert it into your vaginal walls, and massage it thoroughly. Companies usually recommend that you use the creams twice a day. Some creams come with a pre-filled applicator that you can insert.

Once used, you can discard the applicator. These gels, however, are not recommended while being pregnant, breastfeeding, or menstruating.

Are V-Tight Gels safe to use?

A simple answer you might be looking for is: no. Vaginal tightening creams can, in fact, be dangerous. Studies have shown they change the natural chemistry of the vagina, which is a very sensitive area and home to millions of healthy bacteria. They can also cause infections, rashes, and itching.

It’s very easy for businesses to profit off people’s insecurities and to market their products that have the potential to alleviate and fix problems.

There have been studies to prove that using these tightening gels can cause serious health problems as well as changes in the natural chemistry of the vagina.

Your vagina is an extremely sensitive area. Using external products can cause bacterial imbalance and lead to many unsolicited infections. Moreover, its contents may also cause severe rashes and itching too.

Vaginal infections can also be caused by some chemicals and other irritating elements found in the products. Both vaginal sensitivity and the quality of the secretions are harmed by these products.

The fact is that they are not safe, no matter how tempting it may be to use them since you just want to feel good and that is what the marketing promised.

What are Safe Methods to Tighten the Vagina?

Over-the-counter medicines, creams, gels can have dangerous effects, so it’s not advised to use and invest in them unless prescribed by your Obgyn.

However, there are some exercises that can help you train your vaginal muscles at home and at no cost! Surgeries and other procedures that are performed professionally by expert surgeons are the only best-known ways to bring back your firm vagina.

1) Exercises

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You can always opt for natural and safe means of tightening your vagina instead of splurging money on V-Tightening gels, creams & pills. Exercises like Pelvic thrust, bridge hold, Kegels, or weighted squats can help you build strength in your pelvic area and lead to enhanced contraction and relaxation of the muscles.

These exercises are to be done only when you have completely recovered from pregnancy or any kind of medical procedure that you might have gone through. It could lead to unnecessary pressure on an already sensitive area leading to unsolicited health issues.

2) Laser Vaginal Tightening

This is a non-surgical, painless method for restoring moisture and reducing dryness in the vaginal area. The laser treatment aids in the growth of collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in a more pleasurable sexual experience for women.

The laser heat encourages new blood supply, resulting in increased wall thickness and elasticity. A laser wand-shaped probe is introduced into the vaginal canal during this treatment after applying a numbing cream to the area. Some may require numerous sessions, each lasting around 30-45 minutes. The cost of this procedure may vary depending on multiple factors, however, the average cost is $1000 per session. This procedure is considerably cheaper than Vaginoplasty.

3) Vaginoplasty

Vaginoplasty is a reconstructive surgery aimed at vaginal tightening by bringing the muscles together to restore the natural shape and size of the vagina, which may become stretched due to the reasons discussed above.

It may take around a week or two to recuperate from this surgery and are also recommended not to use a tampon or have intercourse for the next couple of days.

This surgery is performed by professionals who have expertise in vaginal surgeries. Because this therapy is extremely individualized based on a person’s needs and expectations, it is strongly suggested that you speak with a professional who has performed it on a variety of individuals with varying anatomy before contemplating it.

This is a one-time investment for women until they consider another vaginal birth. It may cost anywhere between $4000-$20000 excluding consultation, recovery, and miscellaneous fees. A more sophisticated vaginoplasty in a bigger practice or facility might be indicated by the higher end of the spectrum.


It is a myth that having too much sex or with different guys will loosen the vagina. Such myths were and are being pounded on women ever since young and they are deeply embedded in our society.

Vaginas are sacred, treat them that way! They make us feel beautiful, empowered, and sensual too. You don’t need creams/gels to make you feel good and don’t trust sites/products/media that tell you otherwise.